Main publi/infos:
3 NeurIPS OBELICS, Rewarded soups and REx: Data-Free Quantization
2 ICCV eP-ALM: Efficient Perceptual Augmentation of Language Models and ZestGuide accepted to ICCV 2023 in Paris!
1 paper UnIVAL: Unified Model for Image, Video, Audio and Language Tasks accepted to MMFM Workshop @ICCV.
1 ICML Model Ratatouille: Recycling Diverse Models for ood
Counterfactual Explanations,
Semantic and Panoptic Segmentation,
Visual Recognition,
Improving Selective VQA
2 ICLR Image editing with diffusion models and Data free quantization of deep nets
1 IJCV paper on Explainability of vision-based autonomous driving systems: Review and challenges
AndrewYNg’s news letter pointed out our recent strategy for training Transformers in Vision: Cookbook for Vision Transformers: Good insight about our DeiT III !
Main publi/infos:
Dec.: 2 papers presented at NeurIPS, 1 paper at CoRL
Nov.: 1 paper at BMVC Conference Efficient Vision-Language Pretraining with Visual Concepts and Hierarchical Alignment!
Oct: 3 papers presented at ECCV including STEEX! and 2 papers about DeiT
July: 1 paper at ICML Fishr: Invariant Gradient Variances for Out-of-distribution Generalization
June: 2 papers at CVPR 1- Flexible Semantic Image Translation, 2- Transformers for continual learning + 8 workshop papers:
T-FOOD Transformer for Cross-Modal Food Retrieval,
Raising context awareness in motion forecasting,
Embedding Arithmetic of Multimodal Queries for Image Retrieval,
Towards efficient feature sharing in MIMO architectures,
Dynamic Query Selection for Fast Visual Perceiver,
Swapping Semantic Contents for Mixing Images,
Multi-Head Distillation for Continual Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation
and RED++: Data-Free Pruning of Deep Neural Networks via Input Splitting and Output Merging published T-PAMI
Janv. 2022 MLIA is joigning the ISIR lab of Sorbonne University, it is a fantastic opportunuity with a lot of new challenges for us!
Main publi/infos:
2 NeurIPS – Data-Free Compression of Deep Neural Networks and on Efficient Black-box Explanations for deep nets
5 ICCV – domain adaptation, bias, Mixing and data augmentation, self supervised, transformers (Xtarget Domain adaptation, Bias and Xmodal shortcuts, CaiT Deeper with transformers, Deep ensembles with 1 net, Coarse labels but fine-grained classification )
1 ICML – DeiT data-efficient image transformers
3 CVPR – Continual Semantic Segmentation, Semantic editing GANs, and Self Supervised BoW + workshops: Insights from the Future for Continual Learning at CVPR workshop on continual learning in computer vision, Learning Reasoning Mechanisms for Unbiased Question-based Counting at CVPR workshop on VQA
1 ICLR – diversity in deep ensembles
1 BMVC – GAN editing
1 PAMI – confidence for deep
and others …
1 IEEE Trans on Intelligent Transportation Systems – Detecting 32 Pedestrian Attributes for Autonomous Vehicles
1 CVIU zero-shot semantic segmentation with domain adaptation published in CVIU
1 paper BEEF on XAI and Autonomous driving at the NeurIPS workshop: Machine Learning for Autonomous Driving
Main publications:
2 ECCV papers accepted on PODNet incremental learning and Knowledge distillation
1 CVPR paper accepted on self learning: Learning Representations by Predicting Bags of Visual Words
1 PR Journal paper on semantic segmentation SEMEDA
1 ICASSP paper on GAN: This dataset does not exist: training models from generated images
1 AAAI paper accepted on our GAN strategy for Cross-Channel Image Completion
Participation of PhD defenses in 2020: Benjamin Piwowarski (HDR 10/23), Srijan Das (10/01), Thomas Lucas (09/25), Yifu Chen (09/09), Pierre Jacob (08/09), Rémi Cadene (07/08), Daniel Brooks (07/03), Mickaël Chen (07/02), Martin Engilberge (06/12), Adrien Poulenard (04/15)
Main publications:
4 NeurIPS (NIPS) – Bias in VQA, zero-Shot Segmentation, Failure Detection, Riemannian NNets
4 ICCV – UDA, Face alignment, Few-shot, 3D manifold learning
3 CVPR – SoDeep, Advent and MUREL
1 AAAI – Tensor decomposition
ICCV conf.
PhD defense of E. Mehr with MP. Cani, L. Guibas, T. Boubekeur, K. Bally, M. Ovsjaniko, V. Guiteny, M. Cord (Supervisor)
PhD defense of T. Robert with S. Canu, G. Mori, C. Achard, K. Amahari, D. Picard, N. Thome, M. Cord (Supervisor)
4 NeurIPS (NIPS) accepted! Biais in VQA, 0-Shot Segmentation, Failure Detection, Riemannian NNets
PhD defense of J. Peyre, with J. Sivic, C. Schmid, I. Laptev, F. Jurie, S. Lazebnik, M. Cord (Rev)
4 ICCV accepted!
PhD defense of Junhao Wen with F. Barkhof, P. Coupé, O. Commowick, O. Colliot, S. Durrleman, M. Cord (President)
CVPR conference
PhD defense of H. Ben-younes Multi-modal representation learning towards visual reasoning with Y. Lecun, J. Verbeek, V. Ferrari, C. Wolf, P. Perez, L. Soulier, N. Thome, M. Cord (Supervisor)
3 CVPR SoDeep, Advent and MUREL accepted this year including 2 oral!
PhD defense of Arthur Guillon with N. Labroche, J. Velcin, A. Cornuéjols, C. Frélicot, MJ. Lesot, C. Marsala, M. Cord (President)
HdR defense of K. Bailly with L. Heutte, JM. Odobez, B. schuller, M. Chetouani, M. Cord (Pres), J. Crowley
Our PAMI,IJCV and Neurocomputing journal papers online in my publication page!
Our CVPR 2018 code on multimodal (text+im)embedding online
- Dec
- Neurips presentation of our poster Revisiting Multi-Task Learning with ROCK
- PhD defense of J. Ogier du Terrail with E. Fromont, S. Lefevre, F. Jurie, M. Cord (Pres), F. Oudyi
- PhD defense of K. Blanc with F. Bremond, B. Merialdo, T. Menguy, N. Thome, M. Cord (Rev), D. Lingrand
- PhD defense of M. Carvahlo Deep space representation with L. Soulier, E. Gaussier, S. Lefevre, F. Precioso, H. Leborgne, N. Thome, M. Cord (Supervisor)
- Nov AAAI 2019: our paper BLOCK: Bilinear Superdiagonal Fusion for Visual Question Answering and Visual Relationship Detection accepted!
- PhD defense of T. Mordan Designing deep architectures for visual understanding with F. Perronnin, J. Sivic, A. Alahi, N. Neverova, N. Thome, M. Cord (Supervisor)
PhD defense of M. Blot Study on training methods and Generalization performances of deep learning with A. Rakotomamonjy, C. Wolf, E. Fromont, A. Bellet, L. Ralaivola, N. Thome, M. Cord (Supervisor)
- Sept NIPS 2018: our paper Revisiting Multi-Task Learning with ROCK: a Deep Residual Auxiliary Block for Visual Detection accepted!
- July ECCV 2018: our paper HybridNet: Classication and Reconstruction Cooperation for SSL accepted
- June RFIAP conference: with 3 invited speakers: A. Alahi, Y. LeCun, Maja Pantic
- PhD defense of H. Jain with E. Kijak, F. Jurie, M. Cord(R), F. Perronnin(R), P. Perez, C. Guillemot, R. Gribonval, H. Jégou
- PhD defense of Y. Tamaazousti with I. Kokkinos, PH. Gosselin, C. Hudelot, H. Leborgne, M. Cord(P), P. Piantanida, F. Perronnin
- May PhD defense of B. Moysset with E. Fromont, L. Heutte, C. Couprie, C. Wolf, C. Kermorvant, M. Cord (Pres)
- April Our paper Cross-modal retrieval in the cooking context: Learning semantic text-image embeddings accepted as a full paper for oral presentation at the SIGIR 2018! completed with an ICDE 2018 workshop paper dedicated on computational cooking scenarios
- April Entretien sur France Culture avec René Frydman
- March 2 papers accepted at CVPR 2018!
March Our TNNLS paper SyMIL: MinMax Latent SVM for Weakly Labeled Data, with T. Durand and N. thome accepted!
- Feb DeepVision Workshop in Vancouver
- Jan PAMI paper on Negative Evidence for Deep Latent Structured Models accepted!
- Dec 19 PhD defense of R. Rezende with P. Perez, F. Perronin, J. Ponce, F. Bach, F. Jurie, M. Cord (Pres)
- Nov 20 Talk at Deep Learning UPMC
- Nov 09 VQA Talk at INRIA Sophia
- Nov 09 PhD defense of M. Koperski with JM Odobez, F. Precioso, F. Bremond, M. Cord (rev), L. Sigal, F. Gianpiero
- Nov 02 and 03 deep learning course at Institut d’automne de l’IA, Lyon
- Oct 06 PhD defense of E. Oyallon with P. Perez, F. Perronin, S. Mallat, I. Laptev, N. Paragios, M. Cord (Pres)
- Oct Talk on Visual Question Answering VQA in FranceIsIA event, Paris
- Sept 29 PhD defense of my Student X. Wang with F. Precioso, N. Thome, M. Cord, P. Le Callet, C. Achard, C. Wang, PH. Gosselin
- Sept 20 PhD defense of my Student T. Durand with F. Bach, C. Schmid, N. Thome, M. Cord, P. Perez, A. Rakotomamonjy, V. Serfati (Invited)
- July ICCV 2017 paper on Tensor decomposition for VQA task accepted
- July BMVC 2017 paper deep architecture for detection accepted
- July CVPR WILDCAT paper presentation, VQA workshop (Challenge VQA2)
- June Invited speaker, deep learning session in Big data advanced school, San Carlos, Brazil
- Feb Talk on Global average pooling in deep ConvNets at THOTH INRIA grenoble
- Feb, 06: PhD def. of M. Paulin with J. Sivic, V. Lepetit, C. Wolf, F. Perronnin, J. Mairal, C. Schmid, Z. Harchaoui, M Cord (Reviewer)
- Jan, 23: PhD def. of P. Kulkarni with P. Perez, F. Jurie, S. Canu, J. Zepeda, J. Verbeek, M Cord (Reviewer)
- Dec., 2016: Invited speaker in Panel session in Future of Emerging Technologies – Memristors and Machine Learning, in 23rd IEEE International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems (ICECS), Monte Carlo, Monaco
- Dec., 2: PhD def. of M. Chevalier with S. Canu, F. Bremond, C. Achard, P. Perez, M. Cord, G. Henaff, N. Thome
- Nov., 3: PhD def. of J. Pasquet with M. Chaumont, C. Garcia, M. Cord, V. Charvillat, G. Subsol, P. Poncelet
- Oct., 2016: Invited talk in Symposium on Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Tokyo, Japan
- Oct., 2016: Invited talk Deep learning and weak supervision for visual recognition in GdR ISIS workshop
- June, 2016: 2 papers accepted at CVPR 2016
- June 8, 2016: Talk at INRIA Thoth symposium on Computer Vision and Deep Learning
- June 7, 2016: HDR defense of Jakob Verbeek with M. Cord (reviewer), A. Zisserman, E. Gaussier, E. Learned-Miller, C. Schmid, T. Tuytelaars.
- May 19, 2016: Talk at I3S lab. on deep and weak supervision
- April 14, 2016: Half Day Deep learning Workshop (2nd edition) with GdR-ISIS at UPMC
- Introduction by M. Cord
- Plenary Talk of Yann LeCun (Facebook AI research, NYU, College de France) on predictive learning
- Poster session
- March 8, 2016: PhD def. of J. Nicolle with M. Cord (Pres), JP Thiran, B. Schuller, C. Garcia, K. Bailly, M. Chetouani
- Feb, 2016: (Press) France Culture Radio show on Lecun and deep learning and broccoli…
- Dec: Paper on min-max LSSVM for classification & ranking presented at ICCV 2015 conf.
- Sept, 7: Tutorial with Aurélien Bellet on Metric Learning at ECML-PKDD, link to talks
- Sept, 3: Invited talk at the SMART summer school
- Aug, 31: PhD def. of Christion A. Kuoman with M. Cord (Pres), S. Tollari, M. Detiniecki, Ph. Mulhem, A Popecu, B. Ionescu
- July, 1: HDR def. of N. Thome with C. Schmid, N. Paragios, M. Cord (Pres), S. Canu, F. Jurie, S. Marchand-Maillet
- June, 30: PhD def. of C. LeBarz with F. Brémond, L. Denoyer, N. Thome, M. Cord, JY. Dufour, D. Filliat, S. Herbin
- June: seminar in Brazil, UNICAMP and UFMG
- Apr, 28: seminar at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University while visiting Lei Zhang colleague
- March, 20: Half Day Deep learning Workshop with GdR-ISIS
- Feb, 02: invited talk at the LIRIS monthly seminars on visual metric learning
- Jan, 22: PhD def. of A. Sanoja with M. Cord (Pres), M. Rukoz, E. Murisasco, L. Bouganim, P. Senellart, S. Gancarski
- Jan, 20: PhD def. of M. Law with F. Bach, F. Precioso, J. Ponce, P. Perez, P. gallinari, M. Cord, S. Gancarski, N. Thome
- Jan, 15: PhD def. of I Mhedhbi with P. Garda, A. Beghdadi, H. Rabbah, K. Hachicha, A. Bensrhair, D. Heudes, S. Hochberg, M Cord (President)
- Dec: PhD Thesis of Hanlin Goh Learning deep visual representations
- Dec: our CVPR 2014 paper on fantope available
- Dec, 02: HDR def. of M. Visani with I. Bloch, F. Sedes, R. Ingold, JM. Ogier, K. Tombre, JM. Jolion, M. Cord (Pres)
- Oct, 06: HDR def. of V. Courboulay with JP Domenger, C. Fernandez-Maloigne, P. Le Callet, A. Guerin, M. Cord (Reviewer), A. Tabbone, A. Revel
- Sept: 02-03 Invited speaker at the first Franco-Taiwanais workshop at EURECOM Sept, 29: PhD def. of A. Cahn Hon Tong with S. Canu, A. Caplier, M. ElYacoubi, C. Achard, L. Lucat, M Cord (Pres)
- Sept, 16: HDR def. of S.A. Berrani with, T. Ebrahimi, N. Boujeemaa, M. Cord (Rev), B. Merialdo, P. Gros, J. Carrive, Ph. Joly
- Sept: 05-PhD def. of D. Awad with F. Precioso, A. Revel, V. Courboulay, M. Cord, B. Girau
- June, 13: PhD def. of A. Fagette with I. Laptev, L. Wong (NUS) F. Moutarde, O. Koch, D. Racoceanu, J Dufour, M. Cord (Pres)
- May, 13: PhD def. of A. Bourrier with P. Perez, R. Gribonval, F. Bach, E. LePennec, G. Blanchard, M. Cord (Chair)
- April, 15: Talk at Lyon LIMA2
- April, 9: PhD def. of M. Jain with A. Smeulders, C. Schmid, P. Perez, P. Bouthemy, P. Gros, H. Jegou, M. Cord (reviewer)
- April, 3: PhD def. of M. Jiu with C. Schmid, G. Taylor, M. Rombaut, A. Baskurt, C. Wolf, M. Cord (reviewer)
- March, 31: PhD def. of DP Vo with H. Sahbi, J. Benois-Pineau, C. Djeraba, F. Jurie, JM Ogier, M. Cord
- Feb, 17-18: SCAPE project meeting
- Feb, 11: PhD def. of A. Znaidia with H. Maitre, B. Merialdo, P. Lambert, S. Ayache, S. Marchand-Maillet, N. Paragios, C. Hudelot, H. Le Borgne, M. Cord
- Janv, 6: PhD def. of Z. Akata with C. Lampert, C. Schmid, V. Ferrari, F. Perronnin, G Quenot, M. Cord (reviewer)
- Dec: NIPS conf presentation of our paper on deep learning
- Dec: Talk at Google, Mountain View on metric learning
- Nov, 12: Final presentation for ANR GeoPeuple Detection
- Oct, 11: PhD def. of Pehlivan Zeynep
- Oct, 09: PhD def. of P. Phothisane with T. Chateau, R. Seguier, M. Cord, K. Bailly, L. Prevost, E. Bigorne
- Oct, 02: PhD def. of LAI Hien Phuong about interactive CBIR with C. garcia, F. Sedes, B. Merialdo, M. Cord, JM Ogier, M Visani, A Boucher
- Sept: Invited talk in ERMITES summer school
- Sept, 30: PhD def. of my student Denis Pitzalis with N. Paparoditis, F. Niccolucci, F. Precioso, M. Joly and M. Detyniecki
- Sept: 1 paper accepted at NIPS 2013
- Sept: 1 paper accepted at ICCV 2013
- Aug: Rodrigo Minetto First place of PhD Thesis of SIBGRAPI 2013
- July, 12: PhD def. of my student Hanlin Goh with Y. Lecun, F. Jurie, A. Rakotomamonjy, JH. Lim as external members
- July, 9: PhD def. F. Martinez on Eye tracking with L. Chen, JM Odobez, A. caplier, F. Brémond, M. Cord as external members
- June, 27: Poster CVPR on learning local motion descriptors for video classification
- June, 14: PhD def. of my student Sandra Avila ! with C. Schmid, F. Perronnin, P. Perez, M. Campos, and P. Gallinari (+superv.)
- June, 5: PhD def. M. Trad on multimedia mining (chair) with B. Merialdo, A. Joly, N. Boujemaa, F. Precioso, D. teyssou, M. Cord
- May, 21: PhD Def. of Alina Abduraman on TV content analysis with M. Cord (chair), B. Merialdo, Ph. Joly, G. Gravier, J. Carrive, S. Berrani
- Jan: Session (Math. and Computer Science) chairman, JFFoS sympoqium, Kyoto Japon
- Introduction by M. Cord Speakers: T. Harada and I. Laptev
- Jan: JMLR paper accepted in JMLR Track for Machine Learning Open Source Software project
- Dec, 20: talk at GdR Isis workshop
- Dec, 13: seminar at Columbia Univ., NY, USA
- Dec, 12: talk at ICMLA conf. Buca Raton, Fl, USA
- Dec, 07: HDR def. of Antoine Manzanera with P. Bouthémy, M. Couprie, M. Cord, JM Jolion, B. Zavidovique, M. Paindavoine
- Oct, 23: PhD Def. of MM Ullah on Human Action Recognition in Video (reviewer), with P. Perez, I. Laptev, F. Precioso, T. Tuytelaars, P. Bouthemy, E. Kijak
- Oct, 15: Keynote speaker at 2nd Singaporean-French IPAL Symposium
- Oct, 7-13: ECCV conf, poster presentation
- Sept: PhD Def. of Roxana Horincar on dynamic Web content analysis (chair),
- Sept: PhD Def. of Bahjat Safadi on semantic indexing of videos (reviewer)
- Aug: ERMITES summer school
- July: seminar in CNRS Summer School on Images, Content, recognition, classification
- June: Workshop SCAPE in Paris
- May, 23: INRIA Sophia seminar (Stars team) on Beyond the Bag of Word representation for image classification
- May, 2: PhD defense (reviewer) of JP. Burochin, with P. Sturm, C. Heipke, F Tupin, N. Paparoditis, O. Tournaire
- April, 3: PhD defense (reviewer) of Chao Zhu, with Liming Chen, CE Bichot, C Schmid and J. Benoit-Pineau
- March, 19: PhD defense of my student Rodrigo Minetto with Patrick Perez and Marcin Detyniecki for the french side and Jorge Stolfi and 3 colleagues in Brazil
- Feb: 1 paper accepted at ESANN 12 on learning product combinations of kernels with D. Picard, N. Thome and A. Rakotomamonjy
- Dec: seminar at Columbia university and visit of the Prof. Chang’s DVMM lab
- Dec: seminar at NYU
- Dec: PhD Def. of Alex Spengler on Web content analysis (chair),
- Dec: PhD Def. (reviewer) of V. Dovgalecs
- Nov: PhD Def. (chairman) of J. Defretin
- Nov: Talk at ICCV workshop on Text Detection SnooperPlus.pdf
- Nov: Poster at ICCV workshop on kernel learning cordWshopIccv.pdf
- Oct: Talk at I3S lab., Sophia Antipolis Talki3sOct2011.pdf
- Oct: Steve Jobs papers lemonde, libe
- Oct: SCAPE Workshop at UPMC: Web page comparison talk
- Sept: 2 papers accepted to workshops at ICCV 2011
- Sept: ICIP conf. in Bruxelles
- Sept: Midterm defense on deep architectures for image, Hanlin Goh midterm.pdf
- Sept: Midterm evaluation of ANR ASAP slidesASAPmiparcours.pdf
- August: paper on chi2 LSH accepted to PAMI
- June: PhD Def. of Shuji Zhao
- May: Yann LeCun invited in LIP6 for 1 month Talk_1.pdf
- March: IGN french presentation on our text detection system IGNcord.pdf
- Feb: Kick-off meeting of EU IP SCAPE project
- Jan: Kick-off meeting of ANR Geopeuple project
- Dec: PhD Def. of D. Gorisse, HdR Def. of F. Precioso, PhD def. of JE. Haugeard
- Nov: HdR def. of Maria Rifki (Pres.), PhD of P. Massip
- Sept: ICIP in Hong Kong
- Sept: SCAPE new IP european project accepted
- Sept: Geopeuple new ANR project with EHESS and IGN accepted
- July: PhD Def of T. Napoleon (reviewer), K. Bailly (Pres.)
- June: PhD Def of Trinh-Minh-Tri Do (Pres.)
- June: 4 papers accepted to ICIP 2010
- April: invited seminar on similarity and scalability issues on CBIR at UniG university and at ECAIS
- March: My paper An Application of Swarm Intelligence to Distributed Image Retrieval (with Picard and Revel) accepted to Information Sciences Journal
- Feb: PhD Def of A. Bordes (Pres.), AM Tousch (reviewer)